Articles in Other Periodicals

Upon clicking a link below, you will be brought to an article (or access to it) featuring or referencing Marcel Tabuteau and/or his teaching. Some entries were submitted without publication, date, or author identification. Once known, the information will be updated. Certain articles have been excerpted to be Tabuteau specific. Articles are listed chronologically.

The New School of Musical Art. The New Music Review. Vol. 4, No. 45 (August 1905): pp. 380-381. Tabuteau referenced on p. 380.

A Wind Instrument Player’s Club. The New Music Review. Vol. 5, No. 49 (December 1905). Tabuteau referenced on p. 586.

Curtis. Musical Digest. (December 8, 1925).

Curtis Institute Advertisement. The Etude. (April 1936).

Tabuteau Honored by French Government. Musical Courier. (December 15, 1937).

Marcel Tabuteau Honored by French Government. The Journal of the Philadelphia Orchestra (1937) vol. 47.

Oboist Enters the Legion of Honor. The Etude. (April 1938): 218.

At Curtis Institute Great Teachers Nurture Talent. Life Magazine. (December 12, 1938).

Tabuteau Soloist with the Orchestra. (October 20, 1939).

Orchestra’s Tabuteau Is Oboe Soloist – Tabuteau Mozart Quartet. (October [third week], 1939).

Music: A Little Garlic. Time Magazine. (November 20, 1939).

Phila. Orchestra Members Follow Many Hobbies. The Journal of the Philadelphia Orchestra (c. 1940): pp. 823, 826. Tabuteau referenced in paragraph 5.

Next Week’s Soloists. The Journal of the Philadelphia Orchestra (c. 1940): pp. 774. Tabuteau referenced in paragraph 2.

Philadelphia Men Form New Orchestra. Musical America, February 10, 1941, p. 256.

Fifty Years of American Orchestras. Steve Mencher and Rosanne Singer. Symphony Magazine. (July-August 1942). Tabuteau referenced on pp. 80, 86.

King of the Reeds. Time Magazine. (March 8, 1943): p. 32.

The Philadelphia Orchestra; Résumé of the Season 1946-1947. The Journal of the Philadelphia Orchestra (1946): p. 3. Tabuteau referenced in paragraph 4.

Picture Story behind the Baton. Coronet Magazine. (March 1946).

“Marcel Tabuteau.” James Collis. Woodwinds (February 1948): p. 12.

“Tabuteau Directs Curtis Ensemble.” Woodwinds (May 1948): p. 17.

Guide to a Flexible Tone. Harry Shulman. Woodwind Magazine. Vol. 2 (June-July 1950): pp. 4-5, 16. Tabuteau referenced in paragraph 5.

Unforgettable Festival at Prades. Laila Storch. Symphony Magazine. (July-August 1950). Tabuteau referenced in paragraph pp. 7, 9.

New Records. Time Magazine, (January 8, 1951). Tabuteau referenced in paragraph 3.

A Few Basics in Phrasing Part 1. Dominique-René de Lerma. Woodwind World. Vol 5, No. 6 (February 1953): pp. 4-5. Tabuteau credited in Part 2.

A Few Basics in Phrasing Part 2. Dominique-René de Lerma. Woodwind World. Vol 5, No. 7 (March 1953): pp. 6-7. Tabuteau credited under de Lerma’s photo at the conclusion.

Woodwind Profile: Marcel Tabuteau. Albert Kaufman. Woodwind World. (June 1953): p. 9.

Marcel Tabuteau Retires. James Collis. Symphony Magazine. Vol. 8, No. 9 (1954): p. 9.

Au Revoir et Bon Voyage. (February 4, 1954).

First Flute for 39 Years, an Interview with Donald Peck. Kathleen Goll-Wilson. The Instrumentalist. (May 1966): pp. 12-17. Tabuteau referenced on p. 15, 17.

Phrasing: A Matter of Feeling. Dominique-René de Lerma. Woodwind World. Vol 12, No. 9 (1967): pp. 6-8. Tabuteau’s concepts, but he is not referenced.

Request for a Scholarly Study of Reedmaking. Dominique-René de Lerma. Woodwind World. Vol 12. (September-October 1967): pp. 4. Tabuteau referenced in paragraph 2.

Some Reflections on American Oboe Playing. Peter Hedrick. Symphony Magazine. (December 1972): pp. 10, 22. Tabuteau referenced on pp. 10, 22.

*Léon Goossens—Master Oboist. Jerald Sundet. School Musician Director. Vol. 45 (1973): pp. 22-25.

Toward a Concept of Tabuteau’s Phrasing. Dominique-René de Lerma. The Instrumentalist. Vol. 28, No. 8 (1974): pp. 44-45. Tabuteau referenced throughout.

*A Pictorial Essay on Hans Moennig. Stuart and June Zetzer. The Clarinet. (Winter 1983).

Ray Still — Chicago [Magazine] Interview. Gordon Gould. Chicago. (September 1986).

Oboists, Exhale Before Playing. Joseph Robinson. The Instrumentalist. (May 1987): pp. 23-27. Tabuteau referenced throughout.

Musical Concepts of Marcel Tabuteau. Andrea Kapell Loewy. NACWPI Journal. Vol. 37, No. 2 (Winter 1988-1989): pp. 13-16.

John Mack: Oboe Disciple. Elaine Guregian. The Instrumentalist. July 1991. [Courtesy of Danna Sundet]

Historical–Germanic Celebration. Robert Cowan. BBC Magazine. Vol. 6, No. 12 (1996): pp. 86.

Letter to the Editor: Great Oboists. Douglas King. The Gramophone. (August 2005): p. 21.

The Phrasing Styles of Kincaid and Tabuteau. Lois Bliss Herbine. Flute Talk. (November 2005): pp. 22-25.

William Kincaid and Marcel Tabuteau: A Legendary Collaboration. Lois Bliss Herbine. Flutist Quarterly. Vol. 31, No. 2 (2006): pp. 46-51.

Creative Musical Phrasing. Wendell Rider. Journal of the International Horn Society. Vol. 38, No. 2. (2008): pp. 1-4. Tabuteau referenced on p. 1.

Forward Motion: Teaching Phrasing Using Marcel Tabuteau’s Number System. Joyce Chan Grabell. Journal of the American Viola Society. Vol. 29, No. 1 (2013): pp. 33-38.

Inside the Orchestra Section: Playing by the Numbers. David Bilger. ITG Journal.  Vol. 40, No. 3  (2016): pp. 61-63.

Centenaire de la mort de Georges Gillet (1854-1920). Lola Soulier. La Lettre Du Hautboïste, No. 44 (2021): pp. 20-27. Tabuteau referenced on p. 27.

*Reprinted in IDRS publications


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