Many IDRS articles make reference to Marcel Tabuteau. The excerpted segments are presented chronologically by year.
Daniel Stolper and Gerald Corey. Edward Gobrecht. Conference Program for 2007 at Ithaca College. Tabuteau referenced on pp. 47, 82.
Judi Scramlin. An Interview with Harry Sargous. [Information on Philip Kirchner]. The Double Reed. Vol. 33, No. 4 (2010): pp. 122-142. Tabuteau referenced on p. 124.
[Editor’s Note: Philip Kirchner arrived in the US from Lithuania in 1906; and although Tabuteau had arrived in 1905, a year earlier, he did not join the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra until 1908. Tabuteau played English horn / 2nd oboe in the New York Symphony Orchestra for a few years before he went to the Metropolitan Opera, and it is only logical to posit that he would attracted students after he became principal oboist at the Met in 1908. That position surely gave him the notoriety he needed.]