Photo by Ward O. Fearn
Photographs of Marcel Tabuteau have been assembled on this website for public access. Listed below are categories of photographs with Tabuteau’s image, or photos that directly relate to him. Some photos fall under more than one category but are generally pictured once. The majority have been submitted by Laila Storch and Guy Baumier (Tabuteau’s great-grandnephew) from their archives, with Marc Mostovoy, Arthur Grossman, Danna Sundet*, David Weber** and the Curtis Institute of Music*** providing many others. New photos and precise captions are being added periodically. The images include photographic prints as well as reproductions used in various print publications. Many photographs are under copyright, so be sure you are granted permission before copying. If you possess, or are aware of photographs showing images of Marcel/Louise Tabuteau that could be added to this website, please click Submissions.
*From the John Mack Collection
**From the John de Lancie Collection gifted to David Weber
***From the Marcel Tabuteau Collection (MSS 12): Curtis Institute of Music Archives